Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение
«Научно-исследовательский институт пушного звероводства и кролиководства имени В.А. Афанасьева»
140143, Московская область, Раменский район, пос. Родники, ул. Трудовая - 6
+7(495) 744 26 42

Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение
«Научно-исследовательский институт пушного звероводства и кролиководства имени В.А. Афанасьева»


Журнал «Кролиководство и звероводство»

Год науки и технологий


Federal State Budget Scientific Institute

Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding n.a. V.A. Afanas'ev


Scientific Research Institute of Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding and Rabbit Breeding n.a. V.A. Afanas'ev (FSBSI «NIIPZK») was founded in May 1932.

FSBSI NIIPZK is the leading scientific coordination center in the field of breeding fur-bearing animals and rabbits under industrial conditions of keeping it in cages. Researchers of the Institute conduct research in three fields that are animal husbandry, biotechnology, veterinary protection.

The Institute has a postgraduate school and Dissertation Council for approval both PhD and Grand PhD degrees.

On the basis of the Institute, a licensed Information Support Center for fur farming and rabbit breeding industries has been set up, which monitors and summarizes data on the qualitative and quantitative status of herds in the Russian Federation. Also the Technical Committee for Standardization of Russian Federation called «Fur Farming» to develop international branch standards functions.

FGBNU NIIPZK is a tribal reproducer of Soviet Chinchilla breed of rabbits (licence No. 502719245008 from 06/03/2013) and a White Giant (licence No. 502719245002 dated 06.03.2013).

The Scientific Production Journal "Rabbit Breeding and Fur-Bearing Animal Breeding" (http://kipz.su) exists since 1910. Since 2012, NIIPZK became the only founder and editorial board of this Journal (Mass Media Registration Certificate is ПИ №ФС 77-63209).

In 2018, the state Educational Program to improve the qualification level in the field of reproductive biotechnology of rabbits and cattle was developed and realized. Within the framework of the Educational Program, more than 150 specialists have been trained.

Researchers of the FSBSI NIIPZK will answer your questions related to the keeping, breeding and veterinary services of farm animals and pets.

Contact us:

Tel.: +7(495)744-26-42, +7(49646)4-86-81

Adds.: 6, Trudovaya, Rodniki, Ramensky district, 140143, Moscow region, Russia

© 2025. Федеральное государственное бюджетное научное учреждение «Научно-исследовательский институт пушного звероводства и кролиководства имени В.А. Афанасьева» (ФГБНУ НИИПЗК).